Our Covid-19 guidelines
All the vehicles contact points will be cleaned before and after every lesson with an anti viral cleaner.
New Face masks and Hand Sanitizer will be available.
Payments to be made electronically to avoid cash handling when possible.
All customers will be called prior to driving lessons taking place to establish If you are all Clear to proceed.
Please follow the advice below as per government guidelines.
* Please wear clothing that covers as much of your body as possible. Wrap up warm on colder days as the windows will be open to improve ventilation.
* Bring a Face mask with you as one will need to be worn for the duration of the lesson. If you don't have one then please tell your instructor and a new one will be provided.
* Wash your hands with soap and water for a minimum of 20 seconds immediately before leaving your home.
* Wear disposable gloves if you wish to do so but only put them on just before entering the vehicle.
* The instructor will meet you outside the Vehicle and not at your front door.
* The instructor will Talk to you before every lesson to asses that you are not displaying any symptoms before allowing you to enter the vehicle and that you have followed the advice above.
* The instructor has to be 100% happy for the lesson to go ahead. If a lesson is cancelled then please don't take any offense they are just trying to keep everyone safe.
* New Customers will be ask to hold up their Driving Licenses so the instructor can check them electronically. Please visit the direct gov site to make your license visible prior to your 1st lesson taking place. Day before is perfect you will receive a code to give to your instructor.
* Please bring your own Pen as devices will not be shared.
During your driving lesson.
* Avoid touching your face
* To Reduce risk any visual aids or driving resources will be held up and not passed between the two of you.
* No devices will be shared.
* Discussions on scenarios to take place outside the vehicle when possible. Inside the vehicle neither of you to face each other when directly talking to each other try to remain facing forward.
* If a Demonstration is needed then the contact points will again be wiped down before and afterwards.
What to do after your lesson has finished.
* Payments to be made electronically where possible to avoid cash handling.
* No hand shaking will take place.
* Do wash your hands when back home for the minimum of 20 seconds with soap and water.
* Guidelines given are for Clothes to be washed immediately at a minimum temperature of 60 degrees.
Keeping everyone safe in these difficult times has to be a top priority for everyone, as I am sure you will all agree.